This blog appears because I believe that when we wish to heal the spirit, to alleviate the anguish and the loneliness, it is not sufficient with good intention... Because I believe that He is our Creator, Support and Redeemer... Universal Monarch... Because I encounter consolation and peace for my life in his Word... Here you can find REVELATION, what He says in the Holy Bible about himself and humanity. Are you religious or atheist?... Welcome! If you like you can send me your opinion, to ask questions, to give your testimony or to request that I pray for you. I reserve myself the right to suppress disrespectful comments about people and if they are opposed to fraternal Love.



PHONE IF YOU HAVE ANY INFORMATION: (+351)289 884 500; (+351)282 405 400; (+351)218 641 00; (+351)112 (This is the Portuguese Emergency Phone Number).This english girl is missing. She disappeared from her bedroom in Algarve (Portugal) on May 3rd where she was with her parents on vacation. She may face international illegal adoption or sexual exploitation. She might be out of portuguese borders already. Help finding her spreading this message and Maddie’s photos on your blogs.
Voilà les numéros de téléphone, du Portugal, si vous avez quelque information: (+351) 289 884 500; (+351)282 405 400; (+351)218 641 00, ainsi que (+351)112 (ou votre numéro d'urgence européen).
Cette petite fille anglaise est disparue au 3 Mai de l’Algarve (Portugal) où elle était avec les parents en vacances. Probablement elle est déjà dehors la frontière portugaise. Si vous avez d’informations appelez les numéros de téléphone. Aide Maddie ! Mettez le message et photos dans vos blogs.
Menina inglesa desaparecida a 3 de Maio do Algarve(Portugal) onde estava de férias com os pais.Provavelmente já se encontra fora de Portugal.Se tiver informações telefone para os números acima.Ajude Maddie! Coloque esta mensagem e fotos no seu blog!
Translate this to other languages please! Italian, Greek,German,Spanish, etc.I'll had it here!This is a post for foreign bloggers that might visit portuguese bloggers.Thank you!
Copiado deste blogue . Copie e divulgue.


“I am the Lord thy God,
which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt,
out of the houseof bondage.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
Exodus 20:2, 3